Fatal Extraction

Only Fools and Horses episode
"Fatal Extraction"
Series Christmas Special
Writer John Sullivan
Director Tony Dow
Producer Gareth Gwenlan
Duration 85 minutes
  • 1:23:03 (DVD/iTunes)
Airdate 25 December 1993
Audience 19.6 million

"Fatal Extraction" is the twelfth Christmas special episode of the BBC sitcom, Only Fools and Horses, first screened on 25 December 1993.



With Christmas coming to Peckham, which is suffering from recent riots, Del Boy has been drinking every night at the Nag's Head as well as pick up a sore tooth. Raquel is not pleased about it, since she hardly sees him now. Meanwhile, Rodney and Cassandra have decided to try to have a baby. At Sid's café, Del talks about the time he first met a woman at a betting shop in Lewisham Grove when he was younger.

Rodney catches Del gambling at the One-Eleven Club one night, and Del explains that he is striking a deal with Ronnie Nelson to get hold of some Russian Army camcorders to flog for Christmas. Boycie also shows up to tell them, Denzil, and Trigger that he met a woman in the same betting shop when he was also younger, and it turns out to be Marlene. Later, the Trotter Brothers gamble all the way through the night until 8:00am the next morning.

At the market, Del and Rodney are flogging ski gear, until Cassandra calls Rodney back to their flat. Rodney is surprised when he finds Raquel and Damien in his flat. Raquel explains that she and Damien are staying at Rodney's place until Del apologises. That afternoon, Rodney forces a reluctant Del to go to the dentist. The dentist is able to remove the bad tooth from Del's mouth. Del then arranges a date with an attractive receptionist named Beverly.

That night at Nelson Mandela House, the Russian camcorders have arrived, but Rodney points out two problems; they're too heavy, and they take videotapes that don't fit in UK VCRs. Del, dressed in his Gordon Gekko outfit, tells Rodney and Albert about his date with Beverly. They believe that Del is making a big mistake, and successfully talk him out of his date. Del cancels the date by leaving a message on Beverly's answering machine.

Later, back at his flat, Rodney tells Cassandra about the time Del had a violent fight with his father over Del flogging Tom Jones LP's instead of attending his O-level school exams, which got him eight grade A's (which stood for Absent).

The next night at the Nag's Head, after Albert tells another one of his boring war stories, Del enters, and Rodney berates him for ignoring Raquel. Del finally phones Raquel, apologises to her, and promises that he'll stop gambling from now on, and they can still go to the Nag's Head on weekends. After he promises to pick up both her and Damien tomorrow night, Del Boy celebrates with a big bottle of champagne.

Later that night, Del walks home drunk from too much champagne, and decides to sing "One Voice, Singing in the Darkness", which starts a huge riot. Rodney heads on over to Nelson Mandela House, and Del goes down to the riot to sell some of the ski gear. The next morning at the market, while getting the Russian VCRs, Del spots Beverly (who was in the Nag's Head the previous night), and becomes completely frightened.

That night, Del picks up Raquel and Damien in the Capri Ghia, and they return home to see the riot. Del honks his horn, and the rioters and the police clear the way for him. He passes through, stopping to inform the occasional person about something they are buying off him, and when out of the way promptly sounds his horn, to which the riot resumes.

The following day, Del comes home from work, only to see Beverly in his flat, because she wants Damien's high chair for her grandson, who is also named Damien. Del rushes over to the Nag's Head to tell Rodney that Beverly is stalking him, because she's an ex-psychiatric hospital patient. Rodney does not believe him, but Del tells him to deliver the high chair to Beverly. At the dentist, Del finally decides to confront Beverly and tell her to leave him and his family alone. Beverly believed that she thought Del was stalking her, as well as mention that the date they arranged to go on was a big mistake. Beverly then explains to Del that she works at the psychiatric hospital -- as a receptionist. No longer frightened, Del promises to leave Beverly alone.

Back at Nelson Mandela House, and the entire Trotter family are having fun at their Christmas Day party. As Del puts Damien to bed, Raquel plugs in Del's new answering machine (which she acquired from Beverly in return for the high chair) only to hear Del's message about his cancelled date to Beverly. Del Boy returns to the lounge, only to get hit by ornaments thrown by Raquel and the entire family end up in a huge argument. Meanwhile outside by the new Christmas tree, a group of carol singers sing "Silent Night", and Beverly looks up at the Trotters' flat with a smile, implying that Del was right and she was out for revenge all along for being threatened by him.

Episode cast

Actor Role
David Jason Del Boy
Nicholas Lyndhurst Rodney
Buster Merryfield Uncle Albert
Tessa Peake-Jones Raquel
Gwyneth Strong Cassandra
Roger Lloyd Pack Trigger
John Challis Boycie
Kenneth MacDonald Mike
Paul Barber Denzil
Roy Heather Sid
Patrick Murray Mickey Pearce
Actor Role
Jamie Smith Damien
Mel Martin Beverly
Andrew Charleson Dentist
Kitty Scopes Lady on bus
Derek Martin Arthur (neighbour)
Nick Maloney Mick (neighbour)
Lyn Langridge Vi (neighbour)
Linford Brown Policeman
Bryan Brittain Texo (rioter)
Lorraine Parslow Casino waitress
Ronald Murray Miguel (barman)



Note: In the VHS/DVD versions, Carl Orff's "O Fortuna" is replaced by a similar sounding piece of music.

External links

Preceded by
"Mother Nature's Son"
Only Fools and Horses
25 December 1993
Succeeded by
"Heroes and Villains"